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Tips for Planting Iris Plants

No matter what type of Iris plants you intend plant, planting iris plants is a great choice for any garden. You have your choice of many different varieties such as bearded Iris, Dalmation Iris, White Flag Iris, and Florentine Iris, just to name a few.

When planting iris plants, when to plant, how tall they grow, what conditions are best depend on the specific iris you choose. Therefore, when determining what type of iris you wish to plant in your garden, you should consider how tall the plant will grow. For example, the miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris will start at just six inches, while varieties of the Siberian Iris will grow anywhere from two to four feet tall.

Planting Iris Plants

Your iris will come in one of two forms rhizome or bulb. Planting iris plants should be done in the late summer or early fall season. Your want your bulb or rhizome to establish itself prior to the winter season. It is suggested that, when planting iris plants, that you do so about four to six week before the first frost.

Iris plants thrive best in a well drained planting area that receives at least six to twelve hours of daylight each day. Of course, again, this depends on the type of plant when planting iris plants. Some plants will require six hours a day and others will require more. For example, the varieties of Bearded Iris plants will require at least a half a day of sunlight to thrive. If you plant your Iris in an area with a lot of shade, the plant itself will grow, but it will lack any flowers. You want to choose an area that is free of standing water and promotes great circulation of the air.

Once you have picked out the prime spot for planting iris plants, you need to prepare the soil. You want to make sure you prepare the soil in such a way that is beneficial to your iris. This means you should cultivate the soil in that area about ten to twelve inches deep, even though your bulbs or rhizome will not be planted that deep. When planting iris plants, bulbs should be planted three feet deep and rhizomes should be planted on the surface or just below it. If you are planting several irises in the same area, give the plants about twelve to twenty-four inches of space between each one.


After planting Iris plants, you may be excited to see your flower and its beautiful blooms. However, depending on what type of Iris you decide to plant, you can expect to wait until between March and June to see the first signs of blooms.

General Tips

Planting Iris plants is a fun and very rewarding option. However, make sure you keep your flowers healthy by removing any foilage that is limp, diseased, or brown. Avoid over feeding or over watering your iris plants. This can cause Soft Bacterial Rot and fungal leaf spot.


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