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Why Planting Zones Are Critical To Gardening

Whether you are an avid gardener or just starting out it is important that you understand the different planting zones, and that you know which one you are in. Why is this so important? Your planting zone is going to let you know which plants you should be planting and when as well as which plants are just not right for your climate.

There are 11 zones in the United States. There are called the USDA Plant Hardiness Zones and they cover all the US and the southern part of Canada. The way that the zones are separated is by 10° Fahrenheit temperature change. It is based on how cold it gets in that particular region. So the higher the number, the warmer that region is going to be.

Keeping in mind that the planting zones are not strict restrictions of what you can grow and what you can’t, they are pretty good indicators on what plants will thrive and which ones will not in your area. It is possible to live in planting zone 6 and grow a plant that is meant to grow in zone 8 it just requires more care and more time.

To help you decide which plants you will want to use the vast majority of seed dealers and nurseries make sure that their plants and seeds are marked by the best planting zones for the plant. While the zones are looking at the average cold temperatures for the last year in your area, the other factors to take into consideration when you are planting is to look at how much sun the plant will need and what type of soil is best for the plant.

If you take a stroll around your home, your garden, or your patio you will notice that there are areas that are warmer then others and then there are areas that are cooler then others. These areas are called microclimates. The reason that these are important is because they can offer you spots to around your home that different plants can grow that are maybe outside of your zone. These areas can also help you extend your planting time.

Knowing about the planting zones, which one you are in and what plants thrive in that zone can help take some of the frustration out of gardening and insure that you always plant flowers, trees and shrubs that have the best chance of thriving in your yard.


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