backyard birds
Backyard Garden :: Backyard Birds

Attracting Backyard Birds

Bird Baths
When relaxing in your backyard, birds can add so much interest and ambiance that you simply must make it a desirable place for them to come. If you have never stopped to look around at the different types of birds in your area, then you'll be surprised at the wide range of birds right in your backyard!

The first step in making your backyard attractive to birds is to set up one or more bird feeders. There's a huge array of feeders to choose from, but one important thing to consider is that squirrels and chipmunks like bird seed too.

It's probably best to plan for this ahead of time and buy a squirrel proof feeder and place it in spot where the squirrels and chipmunks can't get too. Hanging it off the side of your house or a long pole with a baffle on the end can work. You don't want the squirrels to chase off the birds!

You can fill your backyard with different types of feeders to hold different seeds to attract different birds. A suet feeder will attract nuthatches and woodpeckers. Fruits will attract the beautiful oriole and they make a special feeder / holder to put cut up fruits and jellies on. You can make nectar to attract humming birds and I highly recommend you do this. These little birds will find your feeder and come many times throughout the day - if you sit outside in the morning or evening for an hour or so you are bound to see one and they are fantastic to watch! A good overall seed for attracting many types of birds is black oil sunflower seeds.

Another way to attract backyard birds is to supply them with a bird bath. Birds love to take baths and you can get beautiful bird baths that can be a focal point of your garden. You’ll need to remember to keep them clean, however as the still water can be a breeding mosquitoes and can get dirty and moldy pretty quick. If you really want to have some fun, you can buy a dripper or spray that drips or sprays a mist on the birds. For the winter, you can even get a heater for the bath.

Click Here To Buy Bird Feeders and Bird Baths

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