backyard garden daffodils, tulips
Backyard Garden

Daffodils And Tulips

Bulbs are popular in gardens for their ability to bloom season after season, and perhaps the most popular bulbs of all are daffodils and tulips.

Who doesn't anxiously await the first daffodil of spring? And closely following are the tulips that splash the first bright colors in your garden. But how much do you really know about these flowers?


The daffodil may be the most easily recognizable of all bulb plants, and it rewards its gardener with a generous display of beautiful blooms. Besides the traditional white and yellow varieties, daffodils also come in shades of orange, apricot, pink and cream. Daffodil bulbs should be planted twice as deep as they are tall, and they should be spaced between six and eight inches apart. Daffodils benefit from full sun and regular watering during their growth and bloom periods.


Tulips are a favorite flower around the world and one of the most easy to recognize. When thinking of bulbs, many people picture tulips and these are one of the flowers most closely associated with bulbs. This flower has many varieties and colors and has long been prized among both weekend gardeners as well as professional growers.

In addition, tulips are among the most hybridized of all flowers, with hybrids available in a staggering array of shapes, sizes, colors and textures. Some of the most popular tulip hybrids include pastels, spotted tulips, bicolor tulips and tricolor tulips. There are also hybrids in the brightest hues, and even a variety that is almost black in color. The tulip comes in a variety of shapes as well. In addition to the classic egg shaped bloom, there are varieties with blossoms resembling the shapes of peonies and lilies.

Tulips bloom from mid spring to late spring with different varieties having different bloom times. Most tulips need a period of extended cold in order to look and bloom their best. Feeding with a high quality, nitrogen rich fertilizer will encourage multiple blooming. The fertilizer should be applied before the first bloom for best results.

Tulips can grow in mild climates but it is recommended to refrigerate that bulbs for 6 weeks before planting.. While it is possible for tulip bulbs to remain in the ground, most gardeners treat them as annuals and replant them each year. Doing so is often the best way to get the best blooms year after year.

Plant tulips in the full sun and wanter regularly. Bulbs are best planted in the fall around late September to mid October. Dig a hole about 3 times as deep as the bulb and plant pointed side up. A 2” wide bulb would be planted 6” deep. It is important to leave sufficient space between the planted bulbs as well, from four to eight inches depending on the size of the bulb.

More Gardening Tips:

Hot Climate Annuals
Annuals add splashes of color to your garden all year long, but you must choose plants that are suited to your climate in order to have lush thriving flowers.

Starting Your Annuals Off Properly
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How To Plant Annuals For Perfect Flowers
Annuals provide season long color to your garden and can be started from seed or purchased pre-grown from your local garden center.

Pest Control For Perennials
Perennials are great to have in the garden because they bloom season after season. This continuous blooming makes them special but also insure the need to be vigilant about garden pests.

How Insects Help Gardens
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Preparing Proper Soil
Good soil is the key to growing healthy and vibrant flowers and should be the first thing you tend to when planning a new garden. You must make sure you soil has the right mixture of PH and nutrients before planting.

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