patio decor
Backyard Garden And Patio

Using A Patio Mister For Cooling Off

Wouldn’t you love to enjoy your patio on those really hot days without broiling? Well you can simply by installing a patio mister! These simple systems are now available for the home and will cool your patio area off, lowering the temperature up to 30 degrees below the actual temperature.

Now before you start picturing yourself sitting on the patio saturated I water, I will assure you that this is not what the mister does. Rather, it produces a find spray or mist that evaporates before it falls on you and cools off the entire area.

There are several patio mister products on the market today for home use but if you really want a mister that does a good job without soaking your guests and without making a lot of noise then you want to buy a good quality one. The cheaper ones use a cheaper pump which is much louder and produces larger drops which may not evaporate causing dampness on you, your patio furniture and your guests.

These misters work by forcing water out a series of nozzles. The water then “falls” much like rain or mist and the moisture and coolness lowers the ambient temperature. You know how it seems a lot cooler when you sit near the lake or ocean on a hot day? The mister works sort of the same way, adding cool moisture to the air and lowering the temperature.

The amount of nozzles, the water pressure and the fineness of the mist depends on the system that you purchase. Obviously, you want the finest mist possible or it will seem like it is raining on your patio! Some systems come with a fan that pushes out the mist and these are good for a very small area or 1 person. The more heavy duty style systems have many nozzles that provide a light mist over a larger area.

When looking for a patio mister you want to be sure you buy one that will cover the area you want cooled. Also, be sure that it is easily installed and comes with a warranty. Most systems attach to your hose or spigot so you want to be sure you have an outdoor water supply as well as electrical outlet nearby.
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